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      [ 王川以毛笔带有抽象性的书写,让“线条”重新获得了生命的“情感”或“身体感”,让平面空间震荡着呼吸的“颤栗”,看似西方网格子的抽象空间,但在紧缩与拉长之间,带入了转折的停顿。王川的墨线总是在寻找在颤抖,有着呼吸的语调,时而纠集时而转折,并不轻易折断,墨线的痉挛颤栗回应个体生命的创痛,其意外的顿挫则打开了平面空间的深度,这承受现代性灾变压力的停顿让王川的线条获得了抵抗虚无的品格。随着画面上出现带有生命体感的箱子与椅子等物象,这些如同废墟一般的残剩躯体,这些锯齿状的线条宛若生命体被时间割锯着,有着阵痛与痉挛,既是对人类身体皮囊的反讽,又传达了生命惊人的忍受力。这留给世界的最后剩余物,暗示了生命在这个世界上的痛楚,暗示人世的苦难与修行,艺术家把这些人世间的道具转变为佛教修行的法器,绘画成为我们在这个世界上坚韧存在的见证!]

      Wang Chuan uses the hairbrush to develop anabstract form of writing, revitalizing the lines of the ink with life-emotionsand body-sensations, endowing the flat space with the shiver of breaths. Atfirst glance, it may look like the western grid-style abstract painting,however, by the tensions and releases in the movement, it brings the dwellingsof the turn-point into the strokes. The lines of Wang Chuan’s ink paintings arealways seeking and shivering, endowed with the vocal tones of breathing,sometimes resounding, sometimes modulating, yet not breaking off easily, theconvulsion and shiver of the ink lines respond to the trauma and agony of humanlife, the spontaneous pauses and transitions lend additional profundity to theplane space. The pauses, bearing the pressure of the catastrophe of modernity,provide the lines of Wang Chuan with a quality to surpass nothingness. When thesensible objects, such as boxes and chairs, appear in the picture, they arelike the remainders and mutilations of human body. The jagged line, seems likea life entity sawing by time, meandering with throes and spasms, is the ironyof the mortal human body, also shows the formidable endurance of life. Those arethe final residuum left for the world, the hints of human agony, and theevidences of the woes and spiritual practices of mortal life. The artisttransforms those mundane objects of daily life into sacred instruments ofBuddhist practice, the paintings are the testimonies of the tenacious effortsof existence!

    内容标签: 在这个 线条 世界上 颤栗 修行 停顿
