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      [ 田卫以其佛教修行的内观来塑造自己的画面,艺术家在反复摺叠宣纸,不断以单色或者色彩渲染反复数十遍之后,保留了折缝处的那道空白,利用了中国传统“不画之画”的至高原则,不去画这道折痕,而是任其空白,在周边画,打开后,在画面上就生成为“一道”白光,那似乎就是打坐之间闪耀出来的一道道灵光,来自于艺术家边念咒边作画,一个神奇的出窍时刻。这道空白发出的光,是舍利子的光,具有内在的永恒性,既炙热又静冷,既空灵又活跃,因为这是由无数道笔触涌逼出来的,周边涌动的笔触逼出了空白无尽耀眼的光芒,可以洗涤一切,照耀世界,净化我们的念头。这道内在的白光,无疑是通过内在的修炼所获得的灵视:整个世界如同画面,被这道闪耀的白光所主宰,一切都被它引导与净化,它或者是佛光,或者是基督教的启示之光,或者是道家的空灵之光,净化着我们的心念,或者就是自然物理的宇宙光线或双弦,加入金粉与中国色之后,形成了无尽涌动着的美妙浑色与明亮灼热的那道世界的地平线。]

      Tian Wei’s vipassanaBuddhism practices is embodied in his work, through the folding and refoldingof the fiber paper, and dozens of times of color rendering, thereby leaving ablank streak of the creases on the paper, this technique of painting enshrinesand reflects the supreme principles of the traditional Chinese ink painting,that is to paint without painting, the crease line on the paper was notdeliberately painted, the artist only paints the peripheries, then unfolds,inadvertently left a blank space on the paper, like a streak of white light.The artist chants mantras while painting, reaching to a moment of spiritualenlightenment, striked by a flash of illumination after the zazen meditation.This is a streak of white light filtered out through the blank space, a lightof shariputra, of internal eternity, fervent yet calm, ethereal and vivacious,surging and pushing forward by the brush strokes, a streak of light dazzlingout, illuminates the world, purifies our mind. This internal light is an auraof guidance to our thoughts: the whole world was implicated on the painting,dominated by the white light of purification and guidance, perhaps it is theBuddha’s light, or the light of enlightenment in Christian religion, the lightof calmness purifying our thoughtsin Taoism, or the melodic sequences of the cosmic rays. Covered ingold dust and traditional Chinese painting pigments, the mixture of color tracesout an ever-surging horizon line, vivid and fiery.

    内容标签: 空白 内在 净化 笔触 画面 空灵
