
编辑:邹萍 来源:雅昌网


妄念时间: 2018年9月12—10月24日地点: 英国伦敦 萨奇美术馆 艺术总监:管怀宾   张颂仁策展人:王岩助理策展人:林灿文主办:中国美术学院跨媒体艺术学院      萨奇美术馆鸣谢:平行当代艺术(英国)    杭州世通文化艺术策划有限公司



  对象:朱玺Zhu Xi


  Q:《被射杀的宇航员》(《KILL SHOT THE SPACEMAN》)这件作品的创作契机是什么?

  What motivated you to create KILL SHOT THE SPACEMAN? 

朱玺   被射杀的宇航员    2017    金属    软性灯管   尺寸可变 


  In recent two years, my creations are all about faith such as individual faith. Faith is a very broad topic including religion, individual interest, and cultural tradition and growing background. Even a small habit can become an insurmountable and sacred “faith”. This theme is extremely broad which needs to be reviewed and studied gradually. “Science” is undoubtedly a kind of important religions because some people believe it will save the world. Some religions take scientific power as a kind of “Devil’s Power”, so I use different methods and forms to interpret each religious faith. I used a hilarious way and Pop art to present the spaceman as the mascot of scientific religion—the spaceman wandering in the universe being shot to death by sniper rifle(bullets cannot shot a life to death in vacuum environment)—to embody that science is not as beautiful as it might be. The image of spacemen is still beautiful even though they are under colorful light tubes. 


  Could you talk about the scientific faith metaphor reflected in KILL SHOT THE SPACEMAN and some problems facing world politics?


  My works show more of people’s spiritual world rather than political conflicts in real life. Politics is temporary while human being is permanent. Political standpoint is changeable and relative depending on different people and contexts. It is human’s good or evil spirits and self-exploration that can last throughout history.  

朱玺   被射杀的宇航员    2017    金属    软性灯管   尺寸可变 


  How do you view artists’ understanding of identity recognition based on your creation?


  Artists are also an occupation, a type of work and a part of manufacturing industry. The exploration of art is very lonely because artists are longing for understanding while seeking independence. 


  Artists’ identity has always been doubted by some people. Many people don’t recognize that artists’ artworks can bring any substantial output to social economy which results in the fact that we have been pursuing rapid economic development by giving up spiritual growth. Although this phenomenon inevitably exits now, it can be changed in the future. 


  Many people say that China is a country without faith. What’s your take on it?

朱玺    信仰的边界    2017   纸本   圆珠笔   300cmx400cm


  China certainly has faith, that is, communism. However, do Chinese people have faith? As the foundation of inheritance, many ancient Chinese philosophic thoughts with Confucianism as the most famous one still exist. Buddhism has been spread in China for thousands of years. Christianity has also been widely spread in China. Although there are millions of religious believers in China, the number of religious believers still seem much smaller compared with China’s total population which is the largest in the world. Then what do Chinese people believe? Personally, I think before being moved by systemic religion, they have the most original faith—survival. Working hard for survival is the biggest opportunity for this war-torn country at this historical stage. Changing the destiny of our next generation is already impossible in many capitalist country. 


  How do you view the relationship between identity recognition and faith?



  I don’t oppose any forms of religious faith because their original idea is to make you a better person, thus making the world a better place. However, I believe that people are born different.  Becoming better is different for everyone in terms of its connotations and ultimate purpose. We should respect each person’s choice and struggle direction, trying not to interfere or convert. We should also hold tolerant and cautious attitudes towards those religions that already exist. 

关键字: 内容标签:射杀,宗教,科学,萨奇美术馆 妄念 朱玺射杀 宗教 科学 萨奇美术馆 妄念 朱玺
