
编辑:张桂森 来源:雅昌网博客
  太和·回归·东方  賈廷峰  回顾世界现当代艺术发展史,西方人仰仗其经济强势,引领世界文化艺术潮









  Taihe ·Return to the East

  From early part of 20th century, the European and American art movements have dominated the world art stage for several decades, thanks to their strong economic developments and consistant cultural stratgies. However, the current financial crisis has exposed the fragility of the western cultural values and the disorientation of artistic believes. Scholars recognized that what some Chinese contempormy artists had followed the western art are proved to be a wrong direction. More and more  people are awakening to discover the limitless wealth and power of oriental culture in dealing with current social, cultural and art issues. It is the time to rediscover the East Returning to the East.

  Taihe Art Gallery promotes high quality works of art  with diversity art originality . It promotes artists who are able to blend oriental culture with distinctive original styles . This exhibition showcases three accomplished artists that represent our gallery philosophy.

  Dongfang TuQin , deeply understands both oriental culture and western expressive art. He creates multilevels of visual effects by blending the digital photo images, with social philosophical, culture, and artistic issues. His art concepts are based on revealing Chinese ancient wisdom and expressive quality of Chinese calligraphy, he is also interested in prehistory art (symbols and signs), Dongba charactors(and Tang dynasty calligraphy). His art is unique,simple and yet sophisricared. As a scholar and poet, his expressed his deep concerns about human and nature.

  Tang Chenghua’s themes are his life and cross cultural experiences. His artistic sensitivity is inspired and embarked on a spiritual jouney that combined the oriental and western cultures. His work has a strong formal, compositional structure that contral its color and direct its limitless energy. Tang has a great skills in manipulating all techniques and expressions in service of his free imagination and compelling impulse. In some cases, his black lines/forms are dominate his picture plain that reminds his audience both Chinese link calligraphy and abstract landscapes. His work preserves the mysterious display between real and surreal, spatial depth of oviental art and confidential, active gesture of abstract expressionism.

  Fu Zenan is th leading figure in “The 85 New Wave Art Movement, and Jiangsu New Primitive Art School”. He has seriously devoted himself for 20 years in researching the mysterious power of oriental art and western abstract expressionsm. He creats a series of powerful canvases that deal with dream,fantacy, love and human destination. He asks questions about nature of human being ; His work explains the contemporary implicatiom of the concept of “the beauty” and”the ugliness”. His art will no doubt provide an inspiration for contempory artists that have lost their  believes for painting.

  Taihe, harmonious motions between Yin and Yang, Taihe, universal piece, no armed action needed.

关键字: 内容标签:文化艺术,文化,艺术家,文化艺术 文化 艺术家
