
编辑:吴雨莲 来源:中国当代艺术

Minoru Nomata has been creating every kind of structure, nature and city appearance by drawing figures; taking away the borders between reality and the imaginary world.Nomata’s detailed visions have continued aiming for a light that realizes shapes and appearances, while at the same time he has been devoting himself to the depiction of light itself.In his recent 2017 works, organic spheres began to appear on his canvases replacing the balloon architectural motif that he had created several times in the past, stimulating the viewer’s imagination with objects floating in the air or moving through space.

Minoru Nomata

野又さん(1955~) 作品

Minoru Nomata was born in 1955 in Tokyo. After graduating from the Design Department of Tokyo University of the Arts, he started to create his own artworks utilizing an architectural motif to present that which does not exist in reality.

野田实(Minoru Nomata) 1955年出生于东京。从东京艺术大学设计系毕业后,他开始创作自己的作品,利用建筑主题来呈现现实中不存在的东西。

【 惠书文|艺评 】朱峰 · 20年代:雕于气,塑之以息的“数字装置”

关键字: 内容标签:不存在,之以,装置,不存在 之以 装置
