
编辑:王璐 来源:人艺peopleart

【 光绪元宝“云南省造”库平一两银元】                                                                                                



In the thirteenth year of Guangxu in the late Qing Dynasty (1887 AD), Zhang Zhidong, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, in order to maintain the rule of the Qing government, according to the financial situation of the Qing government and the needs of foreign trade, the Qing government was invited to advocate the casting of silver dollar ". After being approved, in the fifteenth year of Guangxu (1889 AD), a factory was set up in Guangdong to start manufacturing Guangxu Qibao in Guangdong Province. By the 16th year of Guangxu (1890 AD), Guangxu Yuanbao in Guangdong Province entered the market and began to circulate. Subsequently, Zhang Zhidong was transferred to the Governor of Hubei, followed by Hubei Province, followed by Guangdong Province, and in the 21st year of Guangxu (1895 AD), a mint was opened to manufacture Guangxu Qibao in Hubei Province. At the same time, Tianjin Beiyang Machinery Bureau also began manufacturing silver dollars. Seeing this situation, some officials of the Qing government successively asked the Qing government to allow the provinces to follow the example of Guangdong and Hubei. After the decree of the Qing government that "the provinces are all bulging", the provinces followed suit, imitated Guangdong and Hubei provinces, and scrambled to set up factories to manufacture Guangxu ingots in the province.



Although this coin has experienced years of baptism and the deposition of previous history, it is still relatively complete today. It exudes a faint golden light under the light, which seems to carry a king's noble spirit. The inscription is cast on the front, the word "Made in Yunnan Province" is cast on the top, the currency value "Kuping one or two" is cast on the bottom, the word "Guangxu Yuanbao" is directly read in the center, and the center of the coin is the literal translation of "Guangxu Yuanbao" in Manchu, with both sides of the outer ring Each is decorated with a hexagonal pattern; the center of the reverse side is the dragon totem, the texture is like a knife carving, the casting process is amazing, the dragon body has delicate texture, beautiful and bright color, natural purity, smooth and delicate, and it is set against the sea of clouds and looks It seems to be an oil painting of the soaring dragon on the sky. It is extremely beautiful and beautiful! The top of the outer circle is cast in English "Yunnan Province", the lower part is in English "Kuping one or two", and the four-leaf clover is carved on both sides. The layout of the coin is delicate and elegant, and its sparse inventory is extremely sparse. It is one of the best-known products in the preservation world and has a great reputation. It has invaluable academic prehistory and preservation value.



In recent years, the market of ancient coins has been the leader in the market, and compared with the works of rare shapes, it is still highly sought after by coin lovers. At the same time, as the number of transactions of ancient coins in various locations has become more and more, we can foresee that the position of ancient coins in the collection market has become more important and more precious. "Yunnan Province made Guangxu Yuanbao", commonly known as "Yunnan Dragon Ocean", got its name because of the dragon pattern cast on the back of the silver dollar. Due to many wars since the Qing Dynasty, the dragon-grained Guangxu ingots suffered heavy losses. So far, the number has been extremely limited, so it has indescribable art collection value.






关键字: 内容标签:银元,清政府,公元,银元 清政府 公元
