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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-06-24  来源:中国驻伦敦旅游办事处微信公众号  作者:梁燕  
核心提示:《宝莲灯》故事来源:元代(公元1279年──公元1367年)杂剧《沉香太子劈华山》 时间:古代 地点:中国的陕西省 主要人物:圣母(山中女神)刘彦昌(山村医生) 沉香(圣母之子)华山有一座久负盛名的圣母庙,里面供着一位女神,人称圣母。华山每至春暖花开、万物复苏时节便有瘴气毒雾弥漫,对人、畜、植物极有危害,圣母仁厚慈爱,手持宝莲灯照射满山,消散瘴雾,造福四方。年轻的医生刘彦昌,每次登山采药,都到庙中默默凝视圣母的仙容。一天,刘彦昌在圣母所

原题:"足不出户 云游中国"畅音阁:《宝莲灯》 剧情梗概(中英对照)


  故事来源:元代(公元1279年──公元1367年)杂剧《沉香太子劈华山》 时间:古代 地点:中国的陕西省 主要人物:圣母(山中女神)刘彦昌(山村医生) 沉香(圣母之子)









  The Lotus Lantern

  Origin:Yuan Dynasty (1206-1368 AD) opera, Prince Chen Xiang Cleaves Hua MountainTime:Ancient timePlace:Shaanxi ProvinceMain characters:Sheng Mu (Goddess of the Mountain)Liu Yanchang (a mountain physician)Chen Xiang (Sheng Mu's son)

  On Hua Mountain stands an old and famous temple, where offerings are made to Sheng Mu, the Goddess of the Mountain.  Every spring when the weather turns warm and the earth wakes up from its winter sleep, malarial fogs and harmful vapors fill the air, bringing great harm to plants, animals, and humans.  During this season, the kind and loving Goddess of the Mountain appears carrying the magic Lotus Lantern, illuminating the entire mountain, dispelling harmful fogs and vapors, and showering blessings on the four directions.

  Whenever young physician Liu Yanchang climbs the mountain to gather herbs, he always stops at the temple to silently pay homage to Sheng Mu.  One day, he inscribes a poem of thanks and admiration on the scarlet fabric draped over her image.  Sheng Mu is deeply moved, and steps down off of the altar, as real as life.  She stands before Liu Yanchang filled with tenderness, and declares her love for him.

  With the help of the magical powers of the Lotus Lantern, Liu Yanchang and Sheng Mu are finally able to join together as husband and wife.  When Sheng Mu's brother, the immortal Er Lang, hears that the Goddess of the Mountain has married a mortal without his permission, he is furious.  Leading a force of heavenly soldiers and celestial generals, he descends and seizes Liu Yanchang.  To protect her husband, Sheng Mu goes to battle with the Lotus Lantern held aloft, and defeats Er Lang.

  Before long, Sheng Mu gives birth to a son, and names him Chen Xiang.  Just as the family is celebrating the baby's one hundredth day, Er Lan reappears.  Stealing the Lotus Lantern, he launches a new attack against Sheng Mu.  Sheng Mu fights him off with her sword, while Liu Yanchang stands behind her tightly holding Chen Xiang.  But without the magic lantern, Sheng Mu's strength is gradually depleted, until finally Er Lang traps her under a mountain.  Er Lang tries to kill the baby, but Pili, the God of Thunder and Lightening, arrives in the nick of time and carries him away to safety.

  Liu Yanchang, bereft of his loved ones, combs the peaks and valleys of Hua Mountain searching fruitlessly for his wife and child.  Fifteen years go by, and Pili raises Chen Xiang up into a powerful young man, thoroughly versed in the martial arts.  When Chen Xiang learns of his background, he asks Pili to release him so he may search for his father and rescue his mother.  Pili grants Chen Xiang magical assistance, giving him a battle axe imbued with unlimited powers.  Chen Xiang finds his father and recovers the Lotus Lantern.  He defeats Er Lang, and cleaving open Hua Mountain with his magic axe, rescues his mother imprisoned within.



