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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-06-24  来源:中国驻伦敦旅游办事处微信公众号  作者:梁燕  
核心提示:《三打白骨精》故事来源:明代(公元1368年──公元1644年)小说《西游记》 时间:唐代(公元618年──公元907年)地点:中国的西部主要人物:孙悟空(中国神话中的英雄)唐僧(孙悟空的师父)白骨精(神话中的妖怪)僧人三藏(唐僧)和徒弟猴精孙悟空、猪精八戒及河精沙僧去西天取经,一路历尽磨难。幸亏悟空火眼金睛,善识妖怪,伏恶降魔,保得师父平安无事。这一天,师徒四人行至在崇山峻岭之间,又饥又渴。悟空用金箍棒在地上画了一个圆圈,让师父坐在里

原题:"足不出户 云游中国"畅音阁:《三打白骨精》 剧情梗概(中英对照)


  故事来源:明代(公元1368年──公元1644年)小说《西游记》 时间:唐代(公元618年──公元907年)地点:中国的西部主要人物:孙悟空(中国神话中的英雄)唐僧(孙悟空的师父)白骨精(神话中的妖怪)






  白骨精见悟空离去,便肆无忌惮,率众妖把唐僧等人捉进洞中。八戒奋力逃出洞外,直奔花果山请回悟空。悟空扮成白骨精之母,进洞救下师父、沙僧。为制服妖精,悟空摇身一变,在白骨精面前幻化出成千上万个替身,使她不能动弹。一把大火,烧得白骨精原形毕露── 一堆白骨。唐僧见状恍然大悟,师徒一行继续西行。



  Three Attacks on White Bone Demon

  Origin:Ming Dynasty (1368-1644 AD) novel, Journey to the WestTime:Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD)Place:Western ChinaMain characters:Sun Wukong (a legendary Chinese hero) Tang Seng (Sun Wukong's master)White Bone Demon (a legendary Chinese demon)

  Buddhist monk San Zang, known as Tang Seng, and his three acolytes – monkey spirit Sun Wukong, pig spirit Zhu Bajie, and river spirit Sha Seng – are on a pilgrimage to the Western Paradise to obtain scriptures from the Buddha.  Along the way, they are faced with ten thousand trials to prove their worthiness.  Fortunately, Sun Wukong has supernatural vision which allows him to recognize demons in any form, and powers that enable him to protect his master from all harm.

  One day, master and acolytes are passing through the rugged peaks of high mountains.  Tired and hungry, they stop to rest.  Sun Wukong uses his magic golden staff to inscribe a protective circle on the ground, and tells his companions to stay inside where they will be protected from demons.  He then leaps upon a magic cloud, and goes off in search of food.

  Corpse spirit White Bone Demon, who has practiced her magic in these mountains for a thousand years, has been secretly following the pilgrims on their trek.  She has heard that eating the flesh of Tang Seng will impart immortality, and is seeking an opportunity to get close to him.  She waits until Sun Wukong is gone, and transforms herself into a young woman with a face like peach blossoms and eyebrows like willow leaves.  Carrying a porcelain crock full of food, she smilingly approaches Tang Seng and his acolytes.  Gluttonous and lustful Zhu Bajie heedlessly leaps out of the protective circle, and calls to his master to join him.  Luckily, Sun Wukong returns from picking peaches just as the young woman is reaching for Tang Seng.  Recognizing White Bone Demon through her disguise, he lets out a yell and brings his magic golden staff down upon her head.  White Bone Demon is so startled that she evaporates into a wisp of smoke and flees, leaving behind a false corpse of the young woman.  Not realizing the truth, Tang Seng severely rebukes Sun Wukong for killing her.  Sun Wukong shows his master the porcelain crock, now filled with toads and maggots, and warns him not to let himself be tricked.  Tang Seng isn't sure whether to believe him or not.

  White Bone Demon flees back to her cave, gnashing her teeth, and vows that she won't give up so easily.  once more she transforms herself, this time into a wrinkled old granny, and returns to Tang Seng to demand her daughter back.  The kindhearted monk, who has no idea that this is really a demon in disguise, doesn't know how to explain that the young woman is dead.  But Sun Wukong is immediately aware that White Bone Demon is once more trying to trick his master, and without stopping to explain, strikes her down with his magic staff.  White Bone Demon again evaporates into smoke and flees, as a second false corpse topples to the ground.  Tang Seng is outraged, and furiously rebukes Sun Wukong for hurting people.  He recites a special incantation, causing the golden circlet that Sun Wukong wears upon his head to constrict tighter and tighter, until he rolls on the ground in pain.

  Seizing the opportunity to sow further discord between master and acolyte, White Bone Demon once more transforms herself, this time into a white haired old man.  Sun Wukong sees that it is really a demon and tries to attack, but Tang Seng hastens to hold him back.  Sun Wukong makes a supreme effort and breaks free, striking down the demon.  White Bone Demon leaves yet another false corpse, once more tricking Tang Seng.  Tang Seng can't be convinced of the truth.  He refuses to forgive Sun Wukong, and sends him home to Huaguo Mountain.

  Seeing that Sun Wukong is gone, White Bone Demon leads a group of demons to capture Tang Seng and the other acolytes, and holds them captive in her cave.   Zhu Bajie manages to escape, and flies to Huaguo Mountain to ask Sun Wukong to return.  Sun Wukong disguises himself as White Bone Demon's mother, and rescues his master and Sha Seng from the cave.  In order to defeat White Bone Demon, he transforms himself into thousands of identical copies of himself, surrounding her so that she can't move.  He ignites a huge conflagration, forcing White Bone Demon to revert to her true form – a pile of white bones.  When Tang Seng sees this he has a great revelation, and the companions continue on their Journey to the West.



