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放大字体  缩小字体 发布日期:2020-05-05  来源:中国驻伦敦旅游办事处微信公号  作者:莫瑕  

原题:"足不出户 云游中国"音乐厅:《在一起》《阳光灿烂》


  面对本世纪人类面临的最严峻挑战,正如习近平主席指出,团结合作是国际社会战胜疫情最有力武器。作为“足不出户 云游中国”-;-;2020中国旅游文化周英国线上活动之一,我们特别分享中央歌剧院的两部抗疫作品《在一起(Together)》及《阳光灿烂(A Sunny Day)》,让我们一起去感受团结合作的力量。我们坚信,黎明总会到来,黑夜终将过去,胜利属于我们。





  -;-;旅英中国女高音 李小萍


  -;-;中国女高音 武赫




  The MTV TOGETHER consists of two renowned music pieces, Jasmine Flower, a renowned Chinese folk song and Nessun Dorma, an aria from Opera Turandot. It was performed by top Chinese and Italian sopranos and tenors to bring hope and inspiration to people during this difficult time. Together can we fight against the coronavirus.

室内歌剧《阳光灿烂(A Sunny Day)》


  -;-;著名小提琴家、英国皇家音乐学院指挥家/院士/教授 胡坤

  A Sunny Day is a glorious and deeply moving testament to China’s strength in adversity and its recent fight to overcome the Covid-19 epidemic. In this short, 20-minute production, Liu Yunzhi’s music has brilliantly captured the essence of the challenge that the virus has brought to individuals, families and those operating at the front line in recent times. Strong and powerful performances from the cast of the Chinese National Opera House take us through this epic journey, moving us from despair through to hope, love and gratitude in a beautifully produced film that will provide hope to the world in these difficult times.

  -;-;梅纽因音乐学校董事会主席 巴克利(David Buckley)


  -;-;中英国际音乐节董事 姚艺








  A Sunny Day is a 21-minute production of dedication to front-line workers during the COVID-19 outbreak. It was produced by the China National Opera House to artistically present the touching stories in China during the outbreak. The mini-opera consists of three scenes as followed.

  Scene I: Being shocked by the outbreak, people in the epidemic affected area experienced from sorrow and sadness into bravery with support by the whole country to fight against the virus. This is achieved by a chorus, Fight, Fight.

  Scene II: In a ward, a patient is recovering and awake. The disease has let her think deeply into the value of life. She is grateful to doctors and nurses and sings the Sunshine. The doctor comes in and talks to the patient. At this very moment, the virus is in the ward too. He is proud of his evil agenda and sings I'm Coming. The doctor sings the Spring Will Come to encourage the patient. Deeply touched by the love from the country and its people, the doctor and the patient sing Everything Will Be Better together. Unwilling to be wiped out, the virus sings Come Back Again and declares that he will find a chance to come back.

  Scene III: The epidemic is under control while the volunteer doctors and nurses are going home. The chorus sings A Sunny Day to express great gratitude to the country, the Chinese Communist Party, heroes and its people.



